My focus is always on my clients

Corporate solutions

I assist corporate Clients who wish to open bank or similar accounts with all necessary documentation their Compliance requires. If required, I can review and recommend suitable banking partners compatible with your company profile.

Corporate solutions

Why outsource as a company?

  • You are looking for the best suitable banking partner for you in terms of costs, services, location, understanding and your cultural preferences?
  • You wish to optimize the chances of success to open an account within a specific financial institution?
  • You want to avoid as many unnecessary requests from the financial’s Compliance department?
  • You need assistance to establish a proper KYC on the story of your company and the justification of revenues and profits?
  • You want to have a pre-check on the information that the financial institution might find about your company to better anticipate their expectations?
  • You need advice in relation to KYT, including origin of account opening funds?

Examples of specific services offered:

  • Pre-check and advices on the company profile, its directors, beneficial owners etc…: whether you are looking for onsite or offsite services, I can assist in performing due diligence with your own instruments or, outsourcing completely to me using own tools.
  • Preparation of relevant KYC and KYT documentation including SOW (source of wealth) and SOF (source of funds): I develop and refine your story with a view to being accepted and welcomed by the targeted financial partners.
  • Liaison and communication with the financial’s compliance department: I interact at your place with their compliance department, to faster the onboarding process.
  • Assistance in preparation and completion of bank applications and all related documents: I assist you to gain time and navigate the financial’s application process.
  • Introduction where required to suitable banking institutions, Family offices, EAMs or Fintech companies: I can recommend the most suitable partners for you, considering your needs, expectations, activity planned and culture.
  • Full website Compliance review incorporating functionality, usability and security amongst others: I can assist you in making sure that your website is compliant and commercial.
  • Advise you up on suitable tech partners and platforms: to facilitate your on-line transactions.
  • Cryptocurrency and digital money guidance and introduction to bona fide solutions for investment, transaction and trading: I can advise you with a view to maximizing your investment, transaction functionality and trading solutions which meet your needs.