My focus is always on my clients

About Us

Perseus Compliance delivers professional tailored Compliance services in specific areas to private individuals and corporate entities.

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Financial Institutions Such As Banks Including Online, EAMs, EMIs and Fintech Companies

Family Offices

Private Clients

Corporate Entities

Sophie Fabienne Schaad

Founding Partner

Sophie is a highly accomplished Compliance professional. She studied law in Neuchâtel and has a degree in Compliance Management. She is a seasoned Compliance officer, with extensive experience. She has spent 13 years in a Compliance career across different major Banks in the financial Center of Geneva, including 5 ½ year as Head of Compliance (of which 4 years as Head of Group Compliance). She has a proven track record of transforming Compliance departments and implementing new Compliance processes. She developed and put in place remediation plans with a focus on “forward thinking” actions to ensure that there was no room for Compliance breaches.

Sport addicted, she was also a snow and water sport champion and participated in numerous competitions (ski, snowboard, wakeboard, athletic, riding horses) achieving over 60 podiums overall. She was a forerunner in the Xtrem Verbier in 98 and participated in World cup boarder cross snowboard competitions as well as wakeboarding contests, where she won one European title.

Sophie sees the world of Compliance through the eyes of the sports expert she is. In both situations, risks must be assessed carefully and mitigated in the best possible way. Sophie always looks at the available options, choosing the most suitable approach. Sophie makes sure that she has all the material and tools she needs, whether she plans a mountain climb or a Compliance implementation program. She will check that she works with trained and trusted partners and that she has the necessary information to properly assess risks. Timing and focus are of the utmost importance. With a can-do attitude, Sophie leads her professional career with the same spirit as she did in her past sports career : on the one hand with passion, ambition and commitment and, on the other hand, with a particular attention to detail and the risks involved.

Well organized, she has a keen eye for details with a focus on the value Compliance brings to a customer relationship to mitigate potential money laundering/financial crime & tax risks, with the aim to preserve and enhance the good reputation and success of a financial institution. She applies the same approach to customers who wish to open an account with a bank.


Since leaving her last Compliance role within a leading private bank end of 2021, Sophie has been evaluating and developing business opportunities on her own behalf. As a result, today Sophie consults for her own Compliance business “Perseus Compliance”. She is also a founding Director and shareholder of “Perseus Solutions Sàrl” and “Perseus Planet retrieval Sàrl”.

Thanks to her analytic spirit and her expertise, she understands the expectations of regulators as well as the ones of the financial institutions.

Examples of what Perseus can do for you

Examples of what Perseus can do for you

  • Delegate burdensome processes and administrative paperwork to simplify your life from a Compliance perspective.
  • Assist and evaluate in defined terms when you are temporarily short of staff.
  • Enhanced due diligence for high-risk clients.
  • Deal with complicated or technical requests from financial institutions such as proof of funds, background checks etc…
  • Economies of scale: creation of a standard KYC package that can be used with several financial institutions.
  • Professional pre-check of your profile as a banking client and recommendation if required.