You are looking for the best suitable bank for you in terms of costs, services, location and understanding of your needs?
You aim to optimize the chances of success in opening an account within a specific financial institution, Family office etc … ?
You want to avoid as many time-consuming requests from financial institution’s Compliance department?
You need assistance to establish a proper KYC story and explanation on how you made your wealth?
You want to have a pre-check on the information that financial institution might find about your profile to better anticipate the bank’s requirements?
You need advice in relation to KYT, this would include justification and explanations of initial account opening funds?
Examples of specific services offered:
Pre-check Client history on banking registers, via dedicated tools, social media and other internet sources.
Preparation of relevant KYC and KYT documentation including SOW (source of wealth) and SOF (source of funds): I assist you to build a suitable story about your profile with a view to acceptance by the desired financial institution where you want to open an account.
Liaison and communication with the financial institutions’ Compliance department: I interact on your behalf with their Compliance department for a smoother and faster onboarding process.
Assistance in preparation and completion of bank applications and all related documents: I assist you to gain time and facilitate the process.
Introduction where required to suitable banking institutions, EAMs or Fintech companies: I can recommend the most suitable partners for you, considering your needs, expectations, activity planned and culture.
You are short of staff to perform a specific review, project, or handle new account openings in a timely manner without increasing the number of long-term employees?
You want to improve the quality and level of your KYC files and related documents?
Your online systems have identified matches that require further investigations?
Examples of specific services offered:
AML due diligence duties: whether you are looking for onsite or offsite services, I can assist you to perform due diligence with your own instruments or, I can assist with our own tools.
New Clients onboarding: we can assist you with the opening process by taking into consideration your own internal guidelines and AML parameters. If required, I can suggest to your Management appropriate recommendations in regards to your new prospects and clients who wish to open an account with you.
KYC (know your customer): I can provide assistance to your relationship managers in completing the KYC, and provide an assessment as to whether or not the KYC is compliant. I provide full KYT (know your transactions) reviews and give advice to your relationship managers in obtaining appropriate corroborative documents as well as making sure that adequate documentation and information are available on file.
You are looking for the best suitable banking partner for you in terms of costs, services, location, understanding and your cultural preferences?
You wish to optimize the chances of success to open an account within a specific financial institution?
You want to avoid as many unnecessary requests from the financial’s Compliance department?
You need assistance to establish a proper KYC on the story of your company and the justification of revenues and profits?
You want to have a pre-check on the information that the financial institution might find about your company to better anticipate their expectations?
You need advice in relation to KYT, including origin of account opening funds?
Examples of specific services offered:
Pre-check and advices on the company profile, its directors, beneficial owners etc…: whether you are looking for onsite or offsite services, I can assist in performing due diligence with your own instruments or, outsourcing completely to me using own tools.
Preparation of relevant KYC and KYT documentation including SOW (source of wealth) and SOF (source of funds): I develop and refine your story with a view to being accepted and welcomed by the targeted financial partners.
Liaison and communication with the financial’s compliance department: I interact at your place with their compliance department, to faster the onboarding process.
Assistance in preparation and completion of bank applications and all related documents: I assist you to gain time and navigate the financial’s application process.
Introduction where required to suitable banking institutions, Family offices, EAMs or Fintech companies: I can recommend the most suitable partners for you, considering your needs, expectations, activity planned and culture.
Full website Compliance review incorporating functionality, usability and security amongst others: I can assist you in making sure that your website is compliant and commercial.
Advise you up on suitable tech partners and platforms: to facilitate your on-line transactions.
Cryptocurrency and digital money guidance and introduction to bona fide solutions for investment, transaction and trading: I can advise you with a view to maximizing your investment, transaction functionality and trading solutions which meet your needs.